२०८१ सालको वार्षिक राशिफल
ज्योतिष पण्डितः ओजराज उपाध्याय लोहनी
२०२४ अप्रिल १३ – वैशाख १ २०८१
२०८१ सालको वार्षिक राशिफल 2081 Varshik Rashiphal
मेष राशि : यो वर्ष ग्रहगोचर राम्रो छ । आँटेको काममा सफलता मिल्नेछ । अरुको विश्वास सजिलै जित्न सकिनेछ । बौद्धिक कार्यमा तीव्रता आउनुको साथै जोस र जाँगर बढ्ने तथा पुराना समस्या सुल्झाउने अवसर पनि मिल्नेछ । नयाँ कामहरू पनि पाउने योग छ । गुरूको अनुकूलताले बोलीको प्रभाव बढ्नेछ । भाग्य बलियो छ । धार्मिक कार्यहरूमा धेरै प्रगति देखिन्छ । शैक्षिक व्यवसाय गर्नेहरूको लागि समय वर्षभरि नै अनुकूल रहनेछ । व्यापारमा सोचेजस्तै लाभ मिल्ने र वैदेशिक कार्यहरू सुचारु भएर अघि बढनेछन् । विदेश बसोबासको प्रयासमा हुनुहुन्छ भने सजिलै मिल्नेछ। पति पत्नी बिचको सम्बन्ध सुमधुर हुनुको साथै छुटेर बसेको भए मिलनको अवस्था सिर्जना हुनेछ । नोकरी तथा राजनीतिमा गुमेको स्थान फर्काउन सकिनेछ । आम्दानीका अवसरहरू प्रसस्त प्राप्त हुनेछन् । भुलेका मित्रहरूले सम्झनेछन् । विद्यार्थी जीवनमा प्रेम प्रसङ्ग अघि बढ्दा खर्चमा बढोत्तरी हुन सक्ने भएकोले संयम हनुहोला । चलिरहेको प्रेम वैवाहिक बन्धनतिर अघि बढ्नेछ । राहु बाह्रौं भएकोले अरुबाट आलोचना हुने, काममा बाधा आउने धनमाल हराउने सम्भावना रहेकोले बोल्न विचार पुर्याउनु होला। टाउकोमा राहु वसेकोले पिडा हुने हातका नसाहरू कमजोर हुने दाजुभाइ र सन्तान सहयोगीहरूसँग विमति वर्षभरि नै छ । अरुको विश्वास गरिहाल्नु उचित नहोला । आषाढ कार्तिक फाल्गुन महिनामा महत्वपूर्ण काम सकेसम्म नगर्नु राम्रो देखिन्छ । बैशाख ज्येष्ठ आश्विन पौषमा आँटेका काम धेरै पूरा हुनेछन् ।
बृषराशि : यो वर्षको ग्रह गोचर समग्रमा अनुकूल नै छन् । आय व्ययलाई हेर्दा अवस्था राम्रो रहनेछ । खर्चका बाध्यता धेरै आइपर्ने भए पनि आम्दानी राम्रै हुने भएकोले आर्थिक कठिनाई आउने छैन । वर्षको सुरुमा केही नराम्रा लक्षणहरू देखापरे तापनि बैशाख १७ गते दिउँसो ४ । ११ बजे गुरू वृषमा प्रवेश गर्दा केन्द्रादि दोषले चिन्ता बढाए पनि गुरूको दृष्टि पाचौँ, सातौँ र नवौँ रहने र राहु एकादश स्थानमा रहेकोले धन प्रसस्त कमाउने अवसर मिल्नेछ । शनिको अनुकूलताले सार्थक तथा प्रसस्तै लाभ हुने यात्रा र मान सम्मान मिल्नेछ तथापि शनिको दृष्टि बाह्रौँ, चौथा, सप्तम रहने र शनिको दृष्टि नै प्रवल हुने हुँदा प्रेममा खटपट भैरहने, पति पत्नीबीच विवाद प्रसस्त बढ्न सक्ने, घरेलु समस्याले सताउने, मित्र तथा आफन्तहरूले धोका दिन सक्ने भएकोले संयम रहनु होला । माता पिता र सन्तानहरूसँगको मतभेद थप बढ्नेछ । गुरूको अनुकूलताले सन्तानहरूबाट सम्मान र पढाइमा सुधार आउनुको साथै सोचेर निर्णय गर्दा बौद्धिकताबाट ठूलो सफलता प्राप्त हुनेछ । अवसरलाई समेट्नु राम्रो होला । संयम रहँदा नोकरी तथा राजनीतिमा गरेका प्रयासहरू सकारात्मक रहनेछन् । राज्यबाट पाउने सहयोग कायमै रहने र कूटनीतिक क्षेत्र बलियो रहने भए पनि सत्रु प्रसस्त हुने भएकोले संयम हुनु पर्ला । हड्डी, नसा र पेटको समस्या बढी हुने भएकोले खानपानलाई वर्षभरि नै ध्यान दिनु पर्ला । गोपनीयतामा निरन्तर रहनु उचित छ । चरित्र सम्बन्धी आरोप आउन सक्ने भएकोले विपरित लिङ्गी हरूबाट टाढा रहनु वेश हुन्छ । श्रावणमा पराक्रम बढ्ने अधुरा काम पूरा हुने र नयाँ कामको आरम्भ हुने, कार्तिकमा सत्रु नास र धन लाभ, फाल्गुनमा सामाजिक र राष्ट्रिय सम्मान, चैत्र महिनामा प्रयास गर्दा धेरै धन कमाउन सफलता मिल्नेछ । बैशाख, भाद्र, पौष महिनामा खर्च बढ्ने, विवाद बढ्ने, काममा अवरोध आउने र मन चिन्तित हुने भएकोले संयम हुनु पर्ला । नयाँ वर्ष शुभदिनमा आरम्भ भएकोले प्रयासमा सफलता पाउने योग छ । ॐ नमः शिवाय मृत्युञ्जय महादेवाय नमोऽस्तुते । यो मन्त्र वर्षभरि नै बिहान बिहान जप गर्नु होला ।
मिथुनराशि : समग्रमा यष वर्ष ग्रह गोचर राम्रो छैन । वर्षारम्भको समयमा एकादश गुरू, भाग्य भावको शनि अनुकूल भएकोले वाकसिद्धिका साथै शत्रु पराजय हुने योग छ । बोलीको प्रभावमा अरुलार्ई विश्वास दिलाउन सफल भई आफ्नो कार्य अघि बढाउन सकिनेछ । राज्यबाट सम्मान हुने र वैदेशिक कार्यहरू तीब्र गतिमा अगाडि बढ्नेछन् । कुटनीतिक कार्यमा आफूलार्ई दक्ष सावित गर्दै राजनीतिमा वैदेशिक सहयोग हासिल गरी राज्यसत्तामा पुग्न सकिनेछ । कर्म भन्दा भाग्यलाई जोड दिनु यस वर्ष राम्रो होला । व्यापारमा लक्ष्य अनुरूप सफलता प्राप्त हुनेछ । यो सफलताको योग बैशाख १७सम्म मात्र रहनेछ । सबै निर्णय यसै समयमा गर्नु उचित हुनेछ । तत्पश्चात् दशौँ राहु र बाह्रौँ गुरूकोप्रतिकूल प्रभावले पति पत्नी बीचको सम्बन्धमा विग्रह हुनुको साथै नयाँ प्रेमका छायाँ परेर प्रेम दुश्मनीमा परिणत हुने योग छ । चतुर्थ केतुको प्रतिकूल प्रभावले मित्र सुख नहुने, धार्मिक कार्यमा मन नजाने, भाग्यले साथ नदिने र विश्वासघात हुने भएकोले गोपनीयता वर्षभरि नै अपनाउनु पर्ला । पेटमा समस्या भइरहने भएकोले खानपानमा ध्यान दिनु जरुरी छ । आर्थिक कारोबार अति आवस्यक अवस्थामा पनि विचार पुर्याएर गर्नु उचित हुनेछ । नोकरीमा मुद्दा मामिला र स्थानान्तरण हुने सम्भावना छ । ठूला व्यक्तिको सहयोग र सहानुभूति भन्दा पनि धोका,प्रतिसोध साध्य गर्दै सानासाना कुरालार्ई कोट्याएर बेलाबेलामा दुःख दिने प्रयत्न भइरहने हुँदा संयमित भएर काम गर्नु उचित हुनेछ । राजनीतिमा पाएको सुविधा गुमाउनु पर्ने अवस्थासम्म आउन सक्छ । राजकाज सम्बन्धी मुद्दाले राजवन्दी बन्नु पर्ने अवस्था आउन सक्छ । ज्येष्ठ, आश्विन, माघ महिनामा व्यापारीलार्ई नोक्सानी, कुटनैतिक कार्यप्रतिकूल रहने, र घरेलु समस्या बढ्ने भएकोले संयम रहनुहोला । बैशाख, भाद्र, मार्ग, चैत्रमा प्रयास गर्दा धेरै काममा सफलता मिल्ने सम्भावना भएकोले काम गर्दा सोचेर गर्नुहोला । ॐ भास्कराय विद्महे महाँतेजाय धीमहि तन्नो सूर्यः प्रचोदयात् । यो मन्त्रको जप गर्नुहोला।
कर्कटराशि: ग्रह गोचर यष वर्ष मध्यम रहनेछ। अढैया शनिकोप्र तिकूल प्रभाव वर्षभरि नै रहनेछ । कर्मेष र सप्तम अष्टम शनि अष्टम स्थानमा रहेकोले अर्थिक रूपमा अवस्था अनुकूल देखिन्न । स्वास्थ्यको अवस्था पनि राम्रो देखिन्न । हाडजोर्नीको समस्याले निकै सताउनेछ । आर्थिक कारोबारमा पनि समस्या आउनेछ । धार्मिक कार्यमा खासै रुचि देखिन्न । बेलाबेलामा मन विचलित भइरहनेछ । बैशाख १८ गतेबाट गुरू अनुकूल हुने भएकोले परिश्रमबाट काममा सफलता मिल्नुको साथै सत्रु पराजय हुने र मित्रहरूको सहयोग पाउने योग छ । पढाइमा रुचि बढ्ने, लेखन मार्गमा सफलता मिल्ने र बौद्धिक क्षेत्र बलियो हुनेछ । नोकरी तथा राजनीतिमा बौद्धिकता उपयोग गरे लक्ष्य अनुसार अघि बढ्न सकिनेछ । राजनैतिक नियुक्तिको सम्भावनाका साथै कुटनैतिक क्षेत्रमा ठूलो फड्को मार्ने अवसर मिल्नेछ । भएका सन्तानहरूबाट सुख र नहुने हरूको लागि सन्तान प्राप्तिको योग पनि यो वर्ष बलियो छ । शैक्षिक उन्नतिका अवसरहरू प्रसस्तै मिल्नेछन् । छात्रवृत्ति हासिल गरी विदेश पढ्न जाने अवसर मिल्नेछ । नयाँ घर, सवारी जोड्ने अवसर मिल्नेछ । व्यापारमा उच्च प्रगतिको योग छ । प्रेम प्रसंगले वैवाहिक मार्ग अबलम्वन गर्नेछ । विवाहितहरूको दाम्पत्य जीवन सुखमय रहनेछ । बैशाख, ज्येष्ठ, आश्विन, चैत्रमा पराक्रम बढ्ने, अधुरा काम बन्ने, नयाँ कामको अवसर मिल्ने र धन मनग्य कमाउने अवसर मिल्नेछ । यो समय महत्वपूर्ण कामका लागि अनुकूल रहनेछ भने आषाढ, कार्तिक, फाल्गुन धेरै समस्या झेल्नु पर्ने समय हो । स्वास्थ सन्तुलित राख्न अलि धेरै हिड्ने प्रयास गर्नुहोला । खानपानमा विचार पुर्याउनु होला । नगद सहयोग गर्न बन्द गर्नुहोला । बलको काममा भन्दा वुद्धिको काममा जोड दिनुहोला । वर्षभरि नै बिहान उठेर ॐ नमः शिवाय यो मन्त्रको १०८ जप गर्नु वेश हुनेछ ।
सिंहराशि: वर्षको आरम्भमा ग्रह अनुकूल रहनेछ । शुरुका दिनमा गुरूको अनुकूलताले आँटेका काममा सजिलै सफलता पाउनु होला । नयाँ कामको अवसर पनि मिल्नेछ । अरुको विश्वास जितेर अघि बढ्न सकिनेछ । भाग्यले साथ दिने, धार्मिक कीर्तिका कामहरू गर्ने गराउने अवसर मिल्ने र समाजिक प्रतिष्ठा बढ्ने योग छ । कुरा काट्नेहरू आफै निस्तेज हुनेछन् । आम्दानीका अवसरहरू पर्याप्त मिल्नेछन् । प्रेम गर्नेहरूका लागि समय अनुकूल रहनेछ । वैवाहिक बन्धनमा बाँधिने र सन्तान प्राप्तिको पनि सम्भावना छ । घर सम्पत्ति जोड्ने अवसर पनि मिल्नेछ । बौद्धिक कार्यलाई तीब्र रूपले अघि बढाउन सकिनेछ । पढाइमा गरेका प्रयासहरू सकारात्मक रहनेछन । राज्यबाट सम्मान पाउने योग छ । वैशाख १८ गतेपछि पञ्चम गुरू केन्द्रादि दोष बनाएर दशमा भावमा र अष्टम राहु र द्वितीय केतुप्रतिकूल रहने भएकोले संयम रहनु राम्रो । मनमा चिन्ता बढ्ने, काममा अवरोध आउने, स्वास्थ्यमा समस्या आउन सक्ने भएकोले खानपानमा ध्यान दिनु उचित होला । विश्वास गरेकाले धोका दिने भएकोले संयम हुनुहोला । काममा तगारो लगाउनेहरू सक्रिय हुनेछन् । सहयोगीहरूबाट र दाजुभाइहरूबाट समेत धोका हुन सक्ने भएकोले गोपनीयतामा जोड दिनुहोला । सप्तम शनि स्वगृही भएकोले प्रयत्न गर्दा वैदेशिक कार्यमा सफल भएपनि अरुबाट धोका र षड्यन्त्र हुने भएकोले सबै काममा आफैले ध्यान दिनुहोला । राजनीतिमा पाएको सुविधा जोगाउन अलि कसरत गर्नु पर्ला । आषाढ, कार्तिक, फाल्गुन महिना अनुकूल हुने काममा सफलता मिल्ने शत्रु पराजय हुने र धन मनग्य कमाउने अवसर मिल्ने छ । श्रावण मार्ग चैत्र महिना महिनाका दृष्टिले प्रतिकूल रहनेछ । स्वास्थ्य हानि शत्रु बाधा काममा अवरोध घरेलु समस्याले सताउने र चिन्ताबढ्ने योगछ । ॐ नमो भगवते वाशुदेवाय नमः यो मन्त्रको बिहान बिहान जप गर्नु होला ।
कन्याराशि: वर्षको आरम्भमा ग्रह प्रतिकूल रहे पनि बैशाख १८ पछि समय अनुकूल हुनेछ । सुरुमा अष्टम गुरूको प्रतिकूलताले स्वास्थ्य हानि, सत्रु बाधा र आर्थिक संकटले मनलार्ई विचलित बनाए पनि २०८१ बैशाख १८देखि भाग्य भावमा गुरू र षष्ठ शनिको अनुकूल प्रभावले आँटेका काम धेरै पूरा हुने र नयाँ कामको अवसर पाउने योग छ । धन मनग्य कमाउने अवसर पनि मिल्नेछ । यात्रामा लाभ मिल्ने वैदेशिक कार्यमा सफलता मिल्नेछ । विदेश बसोबास गर्ने प्रयासमा भए सफल हुने र बैबाहिक बन्धनमा बाँधिने प्रवल सम्भावना छ । व्यापारमा गरेका प्रयासहरू सकारात्मक रहनेछन् । आफन्तहरूको उचित सहयोग मिल्नेछ । ठूला व्यक्तिले विश्वास गर्नेछन् । परिवारबाट पनि सहयोग पाउनुहोला । घर तथा सवारी साधन जोड्ने अवसर मिल्नेछ । पढाइमा उन्नति सोचे जस्तै हुनेछ । राशिमा केतु र राहु सप्तममा भएकोले स्वास्थ्यमा मुटु मतिष्कमा समस्या आउने, उच्च रक्तचाप बढ्ने, मन अशान्त हुने, काममा अवरोध आउने अवस्था सिर्जना हुन सक्छ । रिस बढ्न सक्ने भएकोले संयम हुनु पर्ला । खानपानमा विशेष ध्यान दिनु पर्ला । मित्रहरूका लागि धन खर्च हुनेछ । आफन्तहरूलार्ई कुरा बुझाउन गारो पर्ने, जस नमिल्ने भएकोले विचार गर्नु पर्ला । विचार गरेर अघि बढ्दा प्रेममा सफलता मिल्नुको साथै विवाह हुने र पति पत्नी बिचमा अगाध प्रेम हुने योग बलियो छ । नयाँ व्यापारको प्रस्ताव आउने, वैदेशिक व्यापारमा सफलता पाउने अवस्था रहेकोले त्यसमै जोड दिनुहोला । यस वर्षको ग्रहगोचर अनुसार बैशाख १८ पछि सफलतै सफलता प्राप्त हुनेछ । बैशाख, भाद्र, पौषमा स्वास्थ्यमा बाधा, आर्थिक संकट, मनमा चिन्ता बढ्ने, ज्येष्ठ, आषाढ, श्रावण, मार्ग, फाल्गुनमा अधुरा काम बन्ने, नयाँ काम पाउने र धन मनग्य कमाउने योग छ । आँटे सोचेका काम धेरै बन्नेछन् । ॐ नमो भगवते वाशुदेवाय नमः यो मन्त्रको जप वर्षभरि नै गर्नुहोला ।
तुलाराशि: वर्षका ग्रहहरू शुरुमा अनुकूल रहनेछन् । सप्तम गुरू षष्ठ राहु र पञ्चम शनिको अनुकूल प्रभावले गर्दा एक पछि अर्काे सफलता हात पार्न सकिनेछ । प्राविधिक कार्यमा र प्राविधिक शिक्षामा फड्को मार्न सकिनेछ । शत्रु पराजय हुनुको साथै मित्रको पूर्ण सहयोग मिल्नेछ । नोकरी तथा राजनीतिमा आफ्नो वर्चस्व बढ्नेछ । सताउनेहरू क्षमा माग्न थाल्नेछन् । बौद्धिक तीब्रतामा कुटनीतिक क्षेत्र बलियो हुने र राज्यबाट सम्मान पाउने योग छ । आम्दानीको क्षेत्रमा अपेक्षित सुधार आउनेछ । पढाइमा अरु प्रगति हुनेछ । जोस र जाँगर बढ्नेछ । अधुरा काम पूरा हुनुको साथै नयाँ काम पाउने योग छ । व्यापारमा प्रगति हुनेछ । प्रेम सफल रूपमा अघि बढ्नेछ । वैवाहिक बन्धनमा बाँधिने बलियो सम्भावना छ । आफूबाट टाढिएकाहरू नजिकिन थाल्नेछन् । बैशाख १८ गतेबाट तृतीय गुरू अष्टम स्थानमा प्रवेश गर्दा स्वास्थ्यमा समस्याहरू आइरहनेछ । मानसिक तनाव अनियन्त्रित हुने भएकोले अध्यात्ममा जोड दिनुहोला । सत्रु प्रतिस्पर्धा गर्नु पर्नेछ । सत्य र असत्यलार्ई छुट्याउन अलि कसरत गर्नु पर्नेछ । कुरा काट्नेहरू सक्रिय हुनेछन् । धन माल हराउन सक्ने भएकोले धनको ढुकुटीमा नजर कडा राख्नुहोला । कामको मध्यमा संकट आउने भएकोले सतर्क भएर निर्णय गर्नु उचित होला । आर्थिक लेनदेनमा विवाद बढेर मुद्दा मामलाको अवस्था सिर्जना हुने भएकोले नगद कारोबार सोचेर गर्नुहोला । गोपनियता भने वर्षभरि नै अपनाउनु पर्नेछ । श्रावण, भाद्र, पौष, चैत्रमा स्वास्थ्यको ख्याल गर्दै सत्रुसँग बचेर काम गरे धेरै सफलता मिल्नेछ । ज्येष्ठ, आश्विन, माघमा स्वास्थ्य कमजोर हुने, पारिवारिक समस्या बढ्ने र आर्थिक संकट बढ्न भएकोले संयम रहनुहोला । ॐ भास्कराय विद्महे महाँतेजाय धीमहि तन्नो सूर्यः प्रचोदयात् । यो मन्त्रको जप गर्नुहोला।
वृश्चिकराशि: यो वर्ष ग्रह स्थिति मध्यम रहनेछन् । वर्षारम्भमा चन्द्रमाप्रतिकूल रहने र वर्षभरि नै शनिप्रतिकूल रहेकोले एकपछि अर्को समस्याले सताउने, गरेका काममा सफलता नमिल्ने, मन अशान्त भइरहने योग छ । विवाद बढ्ने सञ्चित धनको नास हुने, अरुबाट तीब्र आलोचना हुने योग भएकोले संयम हुनु पर्ला । मित्रहरूले धोका दिने परिवारले साथ नदिने भएकोले समस्या अरु जटिल बन्नेछ । दाँत, मुखमा पिडा हुनेछ । अरुको काम धेरै गर्नुपर्ने तर जस नपाउने अवस्था छ । खर्च बढ्ने आम्दानी नहुने तथा झुटा आरोपको सामना गर्नु पर्ने बाध्यताहरू आइपर्नेछन् । स्वास्थ्य निकै कमजोर हुनेछ । व्यापारमा संकट आउने यात्रामा अवरोध आउने र पति पत्नी बिचमा राम्रो सम्बन्ध नहुने भएकोले मन उदास रहनेछ । सन्तान तथा माता पिता बिचको सम्बन्ध समेत नराम्रो हुने भएकोले सबैतिरबाट एक्लिने अवस्थाले मनस्थिति बिग्रने अवस्था आउन सक्छ । पढाइमा रुचि पनि देखिन्न गरेका प्रयास हरू पनि सन्तोषप्रद रहने छैन । सत्रु प्रसस्त मात्रामा बढ्नेछन्। नोकरीमा स्थानान्तरण हुने बलियो सम्भावना छ । राजनीतिमा प्रसस्त संकटको सामना गर्नु पर्नेछ । धर्मतिर मन नजाने र भाग्यले समेत साथ नदिने भएकोले संयम भएर अगाडि बढ्नु पर्ला । २०८१ बैशाख १८देखि गुरू सप्तम स्थानमा प्रवेश गर्ने र पञ्चम मीनको राहु र एकादशम केतु यही बैशाख १८देखि अवस्था परिवर्तन हुनेछ । वैदेशिक कार्यमा सफलता मिल्ने योग छ । व्यापारमा सफलता मिल्नेछ । कटनैतिक कार्यमा सोचे जस्तै सफलता मिल्नेछ । छात्रवृत्ति हासिल गरेर विदेश पढ्न जाने अवसर मिल्नेछ । सन्तान नहुनेहरूको लागि सन्तान प्राप्ति हुने योग छ । बोलिको प्रभावमा महत्वपूर्ण व्यक्तिलार्ई आफ्नो वषमा लिँदै अगाडि बढ्न सकिनेछ । कूटनीतिक कार्यमा चमत्कारिक सफलता हासिल गर्दै देशका निमित्त कीर्तिमान कायम गर्ने अवसर पनि मिल्नेछ । आम्दानीका अवसरहरू धेरै मिल्नेछन्। प्रेम गर्ने अवसर मिल्नुको साथै वैवाहिक बन्धनमा बाँधिने योग छ । भुलेका विदेशका प्रेम पात्रहरूले क्षमा मागेर पुनर्मिलनको प्रस्ताव राख्नेछन् । सबै काम वैशाख १८ पछि सुरु गर्नुहोला । ज्येष्ठ, भाद्र, आश्विन, माघमा पराक्रम बढ्ने अधुरा काम बन्ने, धन मनग्य कमाउने अवसर मिल्नेछ । आषाढ, कार्तिक ,फाल्गुनमा घरेलु समस्याले सताउने, मन विचलित हुने,प्रतिष्ठामा आँच आउने योग भएकोले गोपनियता अपनाउनु वेस हुनेछ । ॐ नमः शिवाय मृत्युञ्जय महादेवाय नमोऽस्तुते । यो मन्त्रको जप बिहान बिहान गरे केही लाभ मिल्न सक्छ ।
धनुराशि: ग्रह गोचर वर्षको आरम्भमा अनुकूल रहेपनि वर्षभरिकै ग्रह गोचर प्रतिकूल रहनेछ । सुरुमा पञ्चम गुरू, तृतीय शनि मंगलको अनुकूलताले भाग्य बलियो हुने, शैक्षिक क्षेत्रमा सुधार आउने, सन्तानहरूसँगको सम्बन्धमा सुधार आउने भएकोले मनोबल बढ्नेछ । धार्मिक कार्यमा रुचि बढ्ने र व्यापारमा सुधार आउनेछ । पति पत्नीबिच बिग्रिएको सम्बन्ध राम्रो हुँदै जानेछ । वैदेशिक कार्य सफल हुनेछन् । नोकरीमा आउने अवरोध हटेर जानेछन् । राजनीतिमा आउने समस्या हटेर जानेछन पराक्रम बढने क्रम भने यो सालभरि कायम रहने भएकोले मन बलियो बनाएर काम गर्नुहोला । बैशाख १८देखि गुरू कमजोर हुने र राहुले चतुर्थ भावमा, केतुले दशम भावमाप्रतिकूल प्रभाव पार्दा मित्र तथा परिवारहरूले विनाकारण संका उपसंका गर्ने भएकोले संयमित नभए मानसिक तनाव उच्च विन्दुमा पुग्ने र निकट जनहरूसँग त्यही कारण टाढिनु पर्ने आवस्था आउन सक्छ । घरेलु समस्या घरैमा मिलाउने प्रयास गर्नुहोला । गोपनियतामा सधैँ ध्यान दिनु राम्रो हुनेछ । खानपानमा ध्यान नपुगे पेट रोग बढ्ने, उच्च रक्तचाप बढ्ने र खर्च धेरै हुने अवस्था आउन सक्छ । झुटा आरोप पनि लाग्नेछ । नोकरिमा पटक पटक स्थानान्तरण हुनुको साथै छुट्ने अवस्थासम्म सिर्जना होला । रोजगारीको लागि निकै भौँतारिनु पर्ला । राजनीतिमा चारतिरबाट आक्रमण हुनेछ । सानो कुराले पनि पद तथाप्रतिष्ठा गुम्न सक्छ । दाजुभाइसँग सम्बन्ध बिग्रनेछ । सहयोगी र सेवकहरू छोडेर जाने धम्की दिन थाल्नेछन् । सन्तानसँग विमति र पति पत्नीबिच विवाद बढ्ने भएकोले सजग हुनु पर्ला । ज्येष्ठ, आश्विन, कार्तिक, फाल्गुन महिनामा गरेका प्रयासहरू सकारात्मक हुने र श्रावण, मार्ग र चैत्रमा धेरै समस्या आउन सक्ने भएकोले महत्वपूर्ण कामहरू आश्विन, कार्तिक र फाल्गुनमा गर्नु राम्रो हुन्छ । ॐ हँ हनुमते रुद्रात्मकाय हुं फट । यो मन्त्रको जप बिहान बिहान कम्तीमा १०८ गर्नु राम्रो हुनेछ ।
मकरराशि: समग्रमा यो वर्ष यो राशिलाई राम्रो रहनेछ । बैशाख १७ गतेबाट पञ्चम गुरूको प्रवेश, तृतीय राहुको अनुकूलताले गरेका कामहरू सफलता पूर्वक अघि बढ्नेछन् । द्वितीय शनिको प्रतिकूल प्रभाव र वर्ष आरम्भमा द्वितीय भावमा शनि मंगलले गोचर गरिरहेको हुँदा विवाद बढ्ने हुनाले बोल्दा विचार पुर्याउनु होला। संयम भएर काम गर्दा राहु, गुरूको अनुकूलताले जोस र जाँगर बढ्ने र आफ्नै प्रयासले नयाँ कामहरू प्राप्त हुनेछन् । मन बलियो भएकोले अरुको विश्वास जित्न सकिनेछ । आम्दानीका अवसरहरू प्रसस्त प्राप्त हुनेछन् । व्यापारमा सफलता सोचेभन्दा बढी नै मिल्नेछ। वैदेशिक कार्यमा सफलता मिल्नुको साथै विदेश यात्रा पनि छात्रवृत्ति हासिल गरी पढ्न जाने खालको हुनेछ । कुटनीतिक क्षेत्रमा ऐतिहासिक काम गरेर आफूलाई अग्रस्थानमा उभ्याउन सफल हुनुहोला । नोकरीमा पदोन्नतिका साथै लाभप्रद स्थानमा जाने अवसर मिल्नेछ । राजनीतिमा आफ्नो वर्चस्व चारैतिर फैलाउन सफल भई उच्च स्थान हासिल गर्ने अवसर मिल्नेछ । विदेसिएका र भुलेका आफन्तहरूले पुनः याद गर्नेछन् । विदेश बसोबासको प्रयासमा हुनुहुन्छ भने सजिलै अवसर प्राप्त होला । ठूला व्यक्तिको विश्वास पात्र हुने अवसरका साथै राजनीतिक नियुक्तिको सम्भावना बलियो रहनेछ । पति पत्नीबिच सुमधुर सम्बन्ध हुनेछ । असल मान्छेले प्रेम प्रस्ताव राख्ने र भएको प्रेम वैवाहिक बन्धनमा बाँधिने बलियो सम्भावना छ । आषाढ ११देखि द्वितीय भावमा बक्र हुने शनिले स्वास्थमा समस्या आउने, आर्थिक कारोबारमा समस्या आउने र काममा अरुले अवरोध सिर्जना गर्नसक्ने भएकोले खानपानमा र अर्थिक कारोबारमा सजग हुनुपर्ला । गोपनियतामा जोड दिनु वेस हुन्छ । बैशाख, भाद्र, पौष महिना नराम्रो भएकोले संयम हुनुहोला । आषाढ, कार्तिक, मार्ग, चैत्र राम्रो भएकोले महत्वपूर्ण काम यसै समयमा गर्नु उचित होला ।
कुम्भराशि: वर्ष आरम्भमा द्वितीय राहु, अष्टम केतु तथा बाह्रौँ शनिको प्रतिकूलताले स्वास्थ्य सम्बन्धी कठिनाइका साथै अर्थिक कठिनाइ समेतले चिन्तित बनाउने छ। लेनदेनको विवाद चर्किँदा कानुनी रूपमा समेत क्षति पुग्न सक्छ । सत्रुले पाइला पाइलामा खेदो गर्नेछन् । असफलता धेरै हुँदा मनोबल कमजोर हुनेछ । परिवारको सहयोग नपाउँदा काम गर्ने आँट नआउने हुँदा सबै काम अधुरा रहनेछन् । आम्दानीका मार्ग बन्द हुने र खर्च गर्नु पर्ने बाध्यताहरूले चिन्ता बढाउने हुँदा निद्रा कम हुने भएकोले पानी धेरै पिउनु पर्ला । विश्वास दिलाएर फसाउनेहरू प्रसस्तै हुने भएकोले उच्च नेता वा कर्मचारीको ओहोदामा हुनेले कुनैपनि काम गर्दा अरुको विश्वास गरेमा पदप्रतिष्ठामा आँच आउन सक्छ । बैशाख १७देखि केन्द्रादि दोषयुक्त गुरू चतुर्थ स्थानमा प्रवेश गर्ने र आठौँ र बाह्रौँ स्थानमा दृष्टि दिने आषाढ ३१ गतेदेखि राशिमा शनि बक्र हुँदा समय अलि नराम्रो हुनेछ । व्यापारमा संकट आउनुको साथै वैदेशिक कार्यमा समेत समस्या आउनेछ । राज्यको प्रतिनिधित्व गरेर असल काम गर्दा समेत दुःख पाउने विदेश जाने प्रयास गर्दा धन नास हुने कूटनीतिक कार्यमा लगनशील भएर काम गर्दा पनि राज्यबाट धोका पाउनु होला। नोकरीमा संयम भएमा गुरूको दृष्टिले केही सहज र राजनीतिमा र वैदेशिक कार्यमा सफलता पाउने धार्मिक कार्यले सहज हुने हुँदा धर्ममा संलग्न भई काम गर्नु होला । घर तथा सवारी साधनमा अनेकन समस्या आउनेछन् । अरुसँग गरेको विश्वासले अप्ठ्यारो वातावरण निर्माण गर्नेछ। पढाइमा सफलता मिल्नेछैन। सन्तानहरूबाट सहयोग पाउने सम्भावना कम हुनुको साथै सन्तान प्राप्तिमा समेत समस्या आउने योग छ । पति पत्नीबीच मतभेद र प्रेममा खटपट हुन सक्ने भएकोले संयम हुनुहोला । बैशाख, श्रावण, मार्ग, पौषमा सूर्यको अनुकूलताले प्रयत्न गर्दा केही काम बन्ने भएकोले राम्रो काममा प्रयत्न गर्दै गोपनीयताका साथ अग्रसर हुनुहोला । ज्येष्ठ, आश्विन, माघप्रतिकूल महिना भएकोले संयम भएर काम गर्नुहोला । ॐ नमः शिवाय ।। यो मन्त्रको जप सधैँ गर्नुहोला । ॐ भास्कराय विद्महे महाँतेजाय धीमहि तन्नो सूर्यः प्रचोदयात् ।। यो मन्त्र वर्षारम्भदेखि पढ्नुहोला ।
मीनराशि: वर्ष आरम्भको समय अनुकूल नभए पनि गुरूको अनुकूलताले विद्यामा ऐतिहासिक सफलता प्राप्त गर्नुहोला । राशिको राहु र बाह्रौँ शनिको प्रतिकूलताले मन खिन्न रहनेछ । धैर्य गर्दै अघि बढेमा बौद्धिक कार्यमा निकै लाभको अवसर मिल्नेछ । राज्यले महत्व बुझेर औकात अनुसारको स्थान र मान दिनेछ पाएको जिम्मेवारी पूरा गर्न पूर्ण रूपमा सफल हुनुहोला । भएका सन्तानबाट सुख हुने र सन्तान प्राप्तिको योग पनि छ । छात्रवृत्ति हासिल गरी विदेशको राम्रो महाविद्यालयमा पठन पाठन गर्न पाउने बलियो सम्भावना छ । अन्तराष्ट्रिय पुरस्कार सहितको चिनारीले तपाईँ स्वयम्लार्ई र देशलार्ई सम्मान प्राप्त हुनेछ । धार्मिक कार्यमा वैज्ञानिक माध्यमहरूले अघि बढाउन सफल हुनुहोला । खर्च बढे पनि लगानीको परिणामले व्यापारमा उन्नति हुनुको साथै धन प्रसस्त कमाउने अवसर मिल्नेछ । प्रेम सम्बन्धमा ह्रास आउने र नयाँ प्रेम हुने तर प्रेमले अशान्त बनाउने भएकोले प्रेममा जोड नदिनु राम्रो हुनेछ । वैवाहिक कुराहरूमा अवरोध आउने योग छ । राजनीतिमा संयम भए आफ्नो वर्चस्व बढाउन सकिनेछ । नोकरीमा पदोन्नति सहित महत्वपूर्ण स्थानमा स्थानान्तरण हुने योग छ । आषाढ ३१ बाट शनि बक्र हुँदा खर्च बढ्ने, स्वास्थ्यमा बाधा आउने शत्रु बढ्ने नोकरी तथा राजनीतिमा सत्रुले अवरोध सिर्जना गर्ने भएकोले गोपनियता अपनाउनुहोला । चिन्ता बढ्ने भएकोले धैर्यतामा जोड दिनुहोला । राशिको राहु सप्तमको केतु बाह्राँै शनिले गोचर गरिरहेकोले संयम हुनु राम्रो हुनेछ । तृतीय गुरू राशि स्वामी अनुकूल भएकोले धार्मिक पक्षलाई अँगाल्दै अघि बढेमा सत्रुमाथि विजय हासिल गरी अगाडि बढ्ने अवसर मिल्नेछ । दशमेश गुरूको बलले रोकिएका कामहरू बन्नेछन् । ज्येष्ठमा पराक्रम वृद्धि र काममा सफलता, भाद्रमा शत्रु पराजय र धनलाभ, पौष माघ महिनामा धन र मान प्राप्त हुने भएकोले महत्वपूर्ण काम गर्न यो समय राम्रो हुनेछ । आषाढ, कार्तिक, फाल्गुनमा खर्च बढ्ने विबाद बढ्ने स्वास्थ्यमा बाधा आउने चिन्ता बढ्ने भएकोले संयम भएर काम गर्नु राम्रो हुन्छ । ॐ भास्कराय विद्महे महाँतेजाय धीमहि तन्ने सूर्यः प्रचोदयात् ।। यो मन्त्र वर्षारम्भदेखि पढ्नुहोला ।
सम्पूर्ण पाठकबर्ग तथा भक्तजनहरुमा २०८१ सालको हार्दिक मंगलमय शुभकामना ।
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Yearly Horoscope for 2081 Zodiac
Astrologer Pandit:Ojraj Upadhyay Lohani
2024 April 13 – Vaishakha 1 2081
2081 Yearly Horoscope 2081 Varshik Rashiphal 2024/2025
Aries: This year the transit of planets is good. Atte will get success in work. You can win trust easily. Along with increasing the intensity of intellectual work, you will also get the opportunity to grow more vigorous and solve old problems. There are chances of getting new work also. The effect of bidding favorable to the Guru will increase. Luck is strong. There is a lot of progress in religious activities. The time will be favorable throughout the year for those doing educational business. Businessmen will get expected profits and foreign affairs will progress smoothly. If you are trying for a foreign residence, you will get it easily. If the relationship between husband and wife is harmonious, then a state of union will be created. Can you tell the difference between job and politics? There will be ample opportunities for income. Forgotten friends will understand. Love affairs in student life may lead to increase in expenses, so be patient. The ongoing love will progress towards marital union. If Rahu is outside, there will be criticism, there will be hindrances in work, there is a possibility of loss of wealth, thoughts should be strengthened. If Taukoma Rahu is suffering from Vasekole, Hataka Nasaharu is becoming weak, then there is peace with the brothers, children and associates throughout the year. Aruko vishwas garihalnu api nahola. It is better to avoid important work as much as possible in the month of Ashadh Kartik Phalguna. By Baishakh Jyestha Ashwin Paushama Ante’s work will be completed.
Taurus: This year’s planetary transit is overall favorable. The situation will be good considering the income and expenditure. Even if you are forced to spend a lot, you will not face financial difficulties because your income will be good. At the beginning of the year some mild symptoms were seen beyond the afternoon of 17th Baishakh. At 11 o’clock, Jupiter Vrishma enters, due to the defects of Garda, etc., even if Jupiter is in the 5th, 7th and 9th houses and Rahu is in the 11th house, you will get the opportunity to earn good money. According to Saturn’s favour, you will get meaningful and profitable journeys and honors. However, if Saturn’s sight is outside, fourth, seventh house and Saturn’s sight is strong, there will be trouble in love, disputes between husband and wife may increase, domestic problems may bother you, friends and relatives may betray you. Must be patient. Differences between parents and children will increase. By thinking carefully about getting respect for the teacher from the children who are friendly to him and improving his education, he will achieve great success intellectually. It would be better to cover the occasion. By remaining patient, the efforts made in job and politics will remain positive. Even if the state’s cooperation remained intact and the diplomatic field remained active, restraint would have to be exercised as the conflict was going on. Due to increasing problems with bones, nerves and stomach, one should pay attention to the diet throughout the year. It is advisable to remain confidential. It is advisable to stay away from people of the opposite sex because character-related allegations may arise. In the month of Shravan, bravery increases, incomplete work gets completed and new work starts, in Kartikma Satru, wealth gains, in Falgunma, social and national respect, in the month of Chaitra, if you make efforts, you will earn a lot of money and get success. In the months of Baishakh, Bhadra and Paush, expenses increase, disputes increase, work gets interrupted and the mind becomes worried, so one should exercise restraint. With the new year starting on an auspicious day, there are chances of getting success in your endeavors. Om Namah Shivay Mrityunjay Mahadevaya Namostute. This mantra has to be chanted every morning throughout the year.
Gemini: Overall transit of planets is not good this year. At the time of the beginning of the rainy season, eleventh Jupiter and Saturn being favorable to the fortune house, there are chances of speech development and defeat of the enemy. Prabhavama Arularai assured her that she would be successful and would be able to further her work. There will be respect for the state and foreign affairs will move forward at a rapid pace. By proving herself adept at diplomatic work, she was able to gain foreign support and reach state power. This year will be better if you add luck to your karma. Success in business will be achieved as per the target. This success will last only till Baisakh 17th. It would be appropriate to take all decisions at this time. After that, due to the adverse influence of Dashaun Rahu and Bahraun Guru, there is a possibility of separation in the relationship between husband and wife along with the shadow of new love, but love may turn into enmity. Due to adverse effect of fourth Ketu, there will be no happiness from friends, no interest in religious activities, no luck and betrayal, so one should maintain secrecy throughout the year. Due to stomach problems, it is important to pay attention to eating habits. It would be appropriate to consider the economic business even in an urgent situation. There is a possibility of transfer due to employment issue. It would be better to act with restraint when an elder person is trying to deceive and take revenge instead of cooperation and sympathy. Politics may come to the point of losing the privileges it has enjoyed. Issues related to governance may come to the stage of becoming a royal court. In the months of Jyeshtha, Ashwin and Magh, stay calm as businessmen will be harmed, diplomatic work will be unfavorable and domestic problems will increase. Baishakh, Bhadra, Marg, Chaitrama, there is a possibility of getting success in many tasks by making efforts, so think about the work. Om Bhaskaraya Vidmahe Mahantejaya Dhimahi Tanno Surya: Prachodayat. Chant this mantra.
Cancer: The year of transit will be moderate. The adverse effect of Adhaiya Saturn will remain throughout the year. Karmesh and Saturn in the seventh and eighth house appear to be favorable financially. Health condition also looks good. Hadjorni is not troubled by problems. There will be problems in financial business also. Not much interest was seen in religious activities. My mind will remain disturbed. On Baishakh 18, if Jupiter is favourable, you will get success in hard work, along with defeat from enemies and support from friends. Interest in studies will increase, you will get success in writing and your intellectual field will be strengthened. By using intelligence in job and politics, one can progress as per the goal. Along with the possibility of political appointment, there will be an opportunity to make great strides in the diplomatic field. For those who are not happy with the children they have, this year is also auspicious for having children. Educational advancement opportunities are readily available. You will get the opportunity to study abroad after getting a scholarship. There will be an opportunity to get a new house and a ride. There is a possibility of high progress in business. Love affair will strengthen the path of marriage. Married people will have a happy married life. Baishakh, Jyeshtha, Ashwin, Chaitrama, bravery will increase, incomplete work will be completed, new work opportunities will be available and there will be opportunity to earn a lot of money. This time will be favorable for important work, whereas Ashadh, Kartik, Phalgun will be the time to face many problems. Make every effort to keep your health balanced. Thoughts about food should be old. Stop giving cash assistance. You should combine your intellectual work with your strong work. It will be a good practice to chant this mantra Om Namah Shivay 108 times every morning, throughout the year.
Leo: The planets will be favorable at the beginning of the year. In the beginning, if the work is favorable to the Guru, it will be easy to get success. You will also get new work opportunities. You will be able to move forward with more faith. There is a possibility that good fortune will favor you, you will get opportunities to get religious fame done, and your social prestige will increase. Kura Katnehru himself will be exhausted. There are enough income opportunities. Time will be favorable for those in love. There is also a possibility of tying the knot and having a child. You will also get an opportunity to add property to your house. Intellectual activity can increase rapidly. Efforts made towards education will remain positive. There is a possibility of getting respect from the state. After Vaishakh 18th Gate, fifth Jupiter, Kendra etc. will create defects, tenth house, eighth Rahu and second Ketu will remain unfavorable, so it is better to remain patient. It is advisable to pay attention to your diet as anxiety may increase, work may get disrupted, health problems may arise. You must have restraint from those who betray your trust. Those who put up work tags will be active. Maintain confidentiality as you may be deceived by your associates and brothers-in-law. Seventh Saturn being in its own house, if you try to do any foreign work but it is successful, then there are chances of deception and conspiracy, so pay attention to all the work yourself. You have to work hard to save the privileges you get as a politician. Ashadh, Kartik, Phalgun months are favourable, success in work, enemy defeat and opportunity to earn good money. Shravan Marg will be unfavorable from the perspective of Chaitra month. There is a possibility of health loss, enemy obstacles, work obstacles, domestic problems, troubles and increased worries. Om Namo Bhagwate Vashudevaya Namah, this mantra has to be chanted every morning.
Virgo: Even if the planets are unfavorable in the beginning of the year, the time after Baishakh 18 will be favorable. Suruma Ashtam Jupiter gets adversely affected due to health loss, Satru obstacles and financial crisis which makes the mind distracted. By 2081 Baishakh 18, due to the favorable influence of Bhagya Bhavama Jupiter and Shashtha Saturn, the work of Ante will be completed and there are chances of getting new work opportunities. You will also get an opportunity to earn a lot of money. You will get benefit in travelling, you will get success in foreign work. If you try to settle abroad, there is a strong possibility of being successful and getting married. Efforts made by businessmen will remain positive. You will get proper support from relatives. Big people will believe. Get support from family also. There will be an opportunity to add a house and means of transportation. Educational progress will be as expected. Due to presence of zodiac sign Ketu and Rahu Saptamma, there may be problems in health, mental problems, high blood pressure may increase, mind may become restless and work may get hampered. Restraint may increase as anger may increase. Pay special attention to food and drink. Money will be spent on friends. If you want to explain things to your relatives, then you have to think about it as soon as you meet. By thinking about it, there are chances that you will get success in love and marriage and there will be deep love between husband and wife. If you get proposals for new business, you will be in a position to get success in foreign business. According to the planetary transit of this year, success will be achieved after Baishakh 18th. Baishakh, Bhadra, Paushma, health problems, financial crisis, increased anxiety in the mind, Jyeshtha, Ashadh, Shravan, Marg, Phalgunma are the chances of completing incomplete work, getting new work and earning money easily. A lot of work will be done by thinking of flour. Om Namo Bhagwate Vashudevaya Namah, chant this mantra throughout the year.
Libra: The planets will be favorable at the beginning of the year. With the favorable influence of seventh Jupiter, sixth Rahu and fifth Saturn, one can achieve success. Technical workers and technical education will be able to beat Phadko. If the enemy is defeated, your friend will get full support. Want to increase your dominance in job and politics. Sataunaheru is apologetic. There is a possibility of intellectual acuity, strength in diplomatic field and getting respect from the state. There will be expected improvement in the income sector. There will be education and progress. Will grow stronger and stronger. Along with completing incomplete work, there is a possibility of getting new work. There will be progress in business. Love will progress successfully. There is a possibility of tying the knot. You have to wait for some time. There will be health problems due to Baishakh 18 Gatebat 3rd Jupiter entering the 8th house. To prevent mental stress from becoming uncontrolled, engage yourself in spirituality. Satru will have to compete. We will have to practice differentiating between truth and untruth. Kura Katnehru will be active. To be able to lose wealth, keep a close eye on wealth. It is better to be cautious and take decisions as there is a crisis in the middle of work. Consider cash business as disputes over financial transactions are likely to create an issue. Secrecy will have to be maintained throughout the year. Shravan, Bhadra, Paush, Chaitrama, if you work with Satru while taking care of your health, you will get a lot of success. Jyeshtha, Ashwin, Maghama, be patient as your health becomes weak, family problems increase and financial crisis increases. Om Bhaskaraya Vidmahe Mahantejaya Dhimahi Tanno Surya: Prachodayat. Chant this mantra.
Scorpio: This year the planetary position will be moderate. In the beginning of the year, Moon will be unfavorable and Saturn will remain unfavorable throughout the year. There are chances that you will be troubled by problems, you will not get success in your work, your mind will remain restless. There is a possibility of increasing disputes, the accumulated wealth may be destroyed, there may be intense criticism, there should be restraint. The problem will become more complicated due to betrayal by friends and disloyalty to the family. Teeth and face will hurt. You have a lot of work to do and you are in a state of unmeasuredness. There will be compulsions like increased expenses, no income and facing false allegations. Health will be very weak. The mind will remain depressed due to problems in business, obstacles in travel and poor relations between husband and wife. Due to deterioration in the relationship between children and parents, the state of mind may deteriorate due to anxiety. Despite my interest in studies, my efforts have not been satisfactory. Satru will increase in large quantities. There is a strong possibility of job transfer. Politics will have to face a major crisis. I moved forward with restraint, with my mind full of devotion and with the good fortune. In the year 2081, on the 18th of Baishakh, Jupiter will enter the seventh house, Rahu in the fifth house and Ketu in the eleventh house, there will be a phase change on the same day on the 18th of Baishakh. There is a possibility of success in foreign affairs. You will get success in business. Whatever strategic action is planned, it will be successful. You will get the opportunity to study abroad after getting a scholarship. There are chances of having children for those who do not have children. Under the influence of Boliko, important people will be able to move forward with their influence. You will also get an opportunity to set a record for the country by achieving miraculous success in diplomatic work. There are many opportunities for income. You may get the opportunity to fall in love and get married. The love characters of Bhuleka Abroad will apologize and propose to reunite. Start all work after Vaishakh 18th. Jyeshtha, Bhadra, Ashwin, Maghama will get opportunities to increase their bravery, complete unfinished work and earn significant wealth. Ashadh, Kartik, Phalgunma, if you are troubled by domestic problems, your mind gets distracted, reputation comes under fire, then it would be wise to adopt secrecy. Om Namah Shivay Mrityunjay Mahadevaya Namostute. Chanting this mantra early in the morning can provide some benefits.
Sagittarius: Planetary transit will be favorable in the beginning of the year but planetary transit throughout the year will be unfavorable. Suruma Pancham Jupiter, Third Saturn will be favorable to Mars, luck will be strengthened, educational sector will improve, relations with children will improve and morale will increase. Interest in religious activities will increase and business will improve. The relationship between husband and wife will improve. Foreign work will be successful. The obstacles coming in the way of employment will be removed. If you want to overcome the problems in politics and increase your bravery, then work with a strong mind so that it can last throughout the year. Baishakh 18 sees Jupiter becoming weak and Rahula in the fourth house, Ketula in the tenth house, adverse effects due to friends and family doing Sanka Upasanka without any reason, mental stress reaching high point and with close people, due to this, there can be a situation of breaking. Try to resolve domestic problems. It would always be good to pay attention to confidentiality. Not paying attention to eating habits can lead to increase in stomach diseases, increase in high blood pressure and increased expenditure. False allegations will also be made. Jobs were transferred here and there and were created till the young age. There is no need for employment. There will be a political attack on politics. Even if you do something, your position and prestige can be lost. Relationship with brother-in-law will deteriorate. They threatened to leave their allies and servants. Be aware that disagreements with children and disputes between husband and wife are increasing. Efforts made in the months of Jyeshtha, Ashwin, Kartik and Phalgun should be positive and it is better to do important work in the months of Ashwin, Kartik and Phalgun as there can be many problems in Shravan, Marga and Chaitra. Om hanum hanumate rudratakaya hum phat. It would be better to chant this mantra at least 108 times in the morning.
Capricorn: Overall this year will be good for this zodiac sign. Entry of fifth Jupiter on Baishakh 17th Gate, work done in favor of third Rahu will progress successfully. Adverse effects of second Saturn and the beginning of the year, when second house Saturn is transiting through Mars, disputes may increase and bold thoughts should be expressed. By working with restraint, Rahu and Jupiter will be favorable, you will grow vigorously and achieve new tasks through your own efforts. Only those with a strong mind can win others’ trust. There will be ample opportunities for income. You will get more success in business than you think. You will get success in foreign work and will also be able to travel abroad and get scholarship to study. Those who have put themselves at the forefront by doing historic work in the diplomatic field should be successful. You will get a job promotion as well as an opportunity to go to a profitable place. Politicians will get the opportunity to spread their dominance and become successful and achieve higher positions. The relatives of the foreigner will remember him again. If you are trying to live abroad, you can easily get the opportunity. There will be a strong possibility of political appointment as well as the opportunity for a senior person to be trusted. There will be a harmonious relationship between husband and wife. There is a possibility for a real person to propose and to tie the knot after falling in love. Ashadh 11 dekh 2nd house turns, hence health problems, financial business problems and work-related obstacles may arise, so be aware of food habits and financial business. There is a way to add confidentiality. If the months of Baishakh, Bhadra, Pausha are bad then you should be patient. As Ashadh, Kartik, Marg, Chaitra are good, it is appropriate to do important work during this time.
Aquarius: At the beginning of the year, second Rahu, eighth Ketu and outer Saturn will cause adversities including health related difficulties as well as financial difficulties. The transaction may be harmed by disputes or legal consequences. Satrule paila pailama khedo will do. If there are many failures, morale will weaken. Without the support of the family, all the work will remain incomplete if the aunt does not come to work. Due to the closure of the source of income and increased anxiety due to the compulsion to spend, I had to drink a lot of water due to lack of sleep. By assuring confidence, any high level leader or employee who is going to become famous may lose his trust and prestige if he does any work. The time will be very bad when Baishakh 17 is seen and Kendra Aadi dosha-dominated Jupiter enters the fourth house and gives vision to the eighth and outer house. There will be a crisis in business as well as problems in foreign affairs. While representing the state, one can get pains along with the real work, one can go abroad, one can lose money in diplomatic work, one can also get cheated by the state even if one works diligently. If you have patience in work, then you should be comfortable in seeing the Guru, if you are comfortable in political work and if you are successful in foreign affairs, then you should work with religious devotion. There will be many problems at home and transportation. The trust you have with yourself will create an atmosphere of peace. Will not get success in studies. Chances of getting support from children are less and there are chances of problems including child birth. There may be disagreements between husband and wife and love disputes, so be patient. Baisakh, Shravan, Marg, Paushma, by making efforts to favor the Sun, to get some work done, make efforts for good work and move forward with secrecy. Work with restraint in the adverse months of Jyeshtha, Ashwin and Magh. Om Namah Shivay. Always chant this mantra. Om Bhaskaray Vidmahe Mahantejaya Dhimahi Tanno Surya: Prachodayat. Recite this mantra at the beginning of the rainy season.
Pisces: Even if the time is not favorable at the beginning of the year, your studies will achieve historical success if the Jupiter is favourable. The mind will remain sad due to adversities in the zodiac sign Rahu and external Saturn. You will get the opportunity to progress intellectually with patience. Understand the importance of the state, give place and respect to the person according to his status, fulfill the responsibilities and be completely successful. There is happiness due to having children and there is a possibility of having children. By getting a scholarship, there are better chances of getting study in a good college abroad. You will receive self-respect and national recognition along with international awards. May you be successful in promoting religious activities through scientific means. Due to increased expenditure, there will be progress in business along with opportunity to earn money. If there is a decline in love relationship and new love happens, then it would be better not to marry the love who is making love restless. There are chances of getting married due to bad luck. Politicians can increase their dominance if they have patience. There is a possibility of transfer to an important place including job promotion. Ashadh 31 Baat Saturn is Capricorn, expenses will increase, health will be hampered, enemies will increase in job and politics will create obstructions, so adopt secrecy. Increase your patience as your worries increase. It would be better to have patience as Rahu and Ketu are transiting in the seventh house of the zodiac sign. Third Jupiter zodiac lord will be favorable and will get opportunity to move ahead by achieving victory in religious aspect Angaldai Aghi Badhema Satrumathi. By stopping Dashmesh Guru from batting, you will become a workaholic. This will be a good time to do important work due to increase in bravery and success in work, Bhadrama defeat of enemies and gain of wealth, wealth and honor in the month of Pausha Magh. In Ashadh, Kartik, Falgun, expenses will increase, conflicts will increase, health will be hampered, worries will increase, it is better to work with restraint. Om Bhaskaraya Vidmahe Mahantejaya Dhimahi Tanne Surya: Prachodayat. Recite this mantra at the beginning of the rainy season.
Best wishes to the entire readership and devotees for the year 2081.
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