नेपाली अमेरिकन सामुदायिक केन्द्र (NACC )को वेबसाईट पहिलो पटक अनलाईनमा प्रकाशित भएको छ ।
WWW.NEPALICENTER.ORG वेवसाईटमा अहिलेको महामारी कोरोनासम्बन्धित हेल्पलाइन अपडेट र नेपाली भाषा तथा सँस्कृति सम्बन्धित ब्लगहरु पनि राखिनुका साथै Home, About us, Events, services, Member, Blog, Volunteer क्याटेगोरी (मेनु) राखिएको छ भने मेम्बर भित्र मेम्बर लिस्ट सबमेनुमा गई आफ्नो नाम सर्च गरी आफू मेम्बरशिप भएको, नभएको पनि पत्ता लगाउन सकिनेछ । न्याकको अहिलेसम्म भएका सबै सेवा र कार्यहरुको विवरणसहित न्याकको बाईलज ( विधान) यसै वेवसाईटमार्फत नयाँ मेम्बरशिप र स्वयंसेवक बन्न सकिने, आफूलाई मनमा लागेको कुरा सुझाव र सल्लाहको रुपमा पनि दिन सकिने छ । sign up / Login गरी डोनेशन पनि गर्न सकिनेछ । यस वेवसाईट निर्माण कार्यमा यी निम्नलिखित सदस्यहरुको अमुल्य योगदान रहेको छ ।
Raj Gautam
Ananda Paudel
Ashim Lamichane
Ashish Khanal
Dadi R. Dhungana
Dila Pokharel
Hira Kshetry
Keshav Neupane
Laxmi (Razz) Koirala
Madhav Sapkota
Puru Subedi
Suraj Aryal
Nepali American Community Center (NACC) Website Version 1st Release
Nepali American Community Center (NACC) has created a new website with new design and functionality at https://www.nepalicenter.org. This is the first version release and second version is in the works.
The features and functionality provided on the release 1 to meet the goals and objectives of the NACC website. The website is currently developed using a custom content management system (CMS) framework and secured using encryption, SSL/security certificate and https protocol. A security service from https://SiteLock.com has been integrated with the website.
In addition to features outlined above, the website provides small scale Customer Relationship Management (CRM) functionality for the backend operation.
We would like community members and organizations who are interested in becoming NACC founding members to visit the website (https://www.nepalicenter.org) and become members. We also would like NACC’s existing founding members to visit the website, login and review/update your profile.
If you would like to view your membership profile send us an email to IT@nepalicenter.org. NACC team will verify your request and email your profile password.
Please send any feedback to IT@nepalicenter.org.
Address: 10501 Balls Ford Rd, Manassas VA 20109 www.nepalicenter.org 571-449-7421 NACC@nepalicenter.org
नोट: संसारको जुनसुकै ठाउँबाट पनि मेम्बर बन्नसकिने यस वेवसाईटमा गई कृपया आफ्नो शक्तिअनुसारको मेम्बरशिप लिनुका साथै आफूलाई लागेको सुझाव, सल्लाह र आफ्नो प्रतिक्रिया राखिदिनु होला । धन्यवाद !
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